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Talking Beards

Feb 12, 2016

This Valentines Day episode is full of love and fun!  I speak with Matt Beaton of Waffen Der Whiskerr Oil about his magnificent oil line.  We had many complications trying to record this interview but we managed to pull it out!  Matt gives a brief history of Waffen and takes us through his blending processes and development of his signature scents. We laugh, we cry, and we discuss skin care and how his magic oils have helped him get his psoriasis under control.  A couple new products were discussed and marketing schemes that he uses to get his products out in front of his demographic. We finish it all off with him talking about all the charity work he does and how he uses his oils to help others at different events. Please check out the links below and visit Waffen Der Whiskerr Oil on-line. 


Waffen Der Whiskerr Oils


The Beardcaster Bazzar


Music provided by:

Chris Donley