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Talking Beards

Dec 22, 2019

Aaron and Scott share their thoughts on the perfect gifts for your loved ones with beards this holiday season.  Not only are this the products that we use, they have all helped us achieve our amazing beards and made them award winning.  These products have helped make us World Champions and National Champions as...

Dec 22, 2019

We are joined by our super awesome guest, Stephen Anderson of the Brew City Beard Alliance out of Milwaukee.  We discuss their latest event, Whisker Bash VII, which will be held at the 4th oldest bowling alley in the United States.  Stephen also shares about a project that he is planning on working on in the future...

Dec 20, 2019



  National Champion Andrew Mattson from the Minnesota Beard and Mustache Coalition talks about their upcoming Battle of the Beards 2019.

Talking Beards is now LIVE on Facebook every Tuesday at 8pm best

-you can also watch LIVE on our website, goto

Talking Beards-

Dec 7, 2019

Aaron and Scott spend the evening talking about all the great things going on in the community compliments of the BS Button Beard Bulletin Board

Talking Beards is now LIVE on Facebook every Tuesday at 8pm best

-you can also watch LIVE on our website, goto

Talking Beards-

Dec 3, 2019

Most people don't have a filter when it comes to communicating wit a man with a '"oversized" beard.  They feel like they have won the right to just "blurt" out whatever they are feeling.  Aaron and Scott talk about all of the "annoying" comments they have heard people say to them over the years.  We know you can all...