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Talking Beards

Dec 26, 2017

Joined by some scholarly fellas, The Last Jedi has been a polorizing movie amongst true fans. With the popularity of EP.55 of The Beardcaster, I wanted to get some more opinion on the new Star Wars movie. Happy Holidays on this fun extra episode, hope you enjoy!!!

#starwars #thelastjedi #beard #mustache #podcast...

Dec 17, 2017

SPOILERS!!! Be careful listening-Our friend Nicole Tovar from the Dune Sea Garrison, a division of the 501st located in Arizona, Bald Faced Josh, and I discuss the new Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi. We all had some strong feelings about this new movie and we go through a list of what we enjoyed and a bunch of things...

Oct 7, 2017

In this first of many installments of "Facial Hair in the Movies", Bald Faced Josh and I talk about some of our favorite facial hair that we have seen in movies.  

Sometimes facial hair can make a character in a movie and sometimes that facial hair can make them iconic. Bald Faced Josh and I talk some of our picks of...

Mar 31, 2017


What a fun day meandering among some interesting characters and bearded folk!  I meet some of the most interesting people at these types of events, I guess that is why I try to go to as many as I can and meet the people!  Wizard World Comic Con came to Cleveland March 17th-19th for it’s third appearance...