Oct 14, 2017
Aaron Johnston is a simple man, a simple man the RULES THE WORLD!!! #1 Natural Goatee in the WORLD joins me, #7, to talk about lots of different things. This conversation went all over the place, from bearded history, NASCAR, and the competitive nature. The second half of the interview was during the flight of the...
May 22, 2016
One of my favorite "beard-o's" in the community, Anthony " The Stache" Fontes joins me for an afternoon of talking about the bearding community. Anthony and I began our journeys around the same time in the world of facial hair competitions. Setting lofty goals right off the bat, Anthony has got his personality all...
Feb 26, 2016
We all know a guy who grows a beard in the winter time and then shaves in the spring. Why? Why do these guys grow in this pattern, why can't they just commit to grow all the way, or stay clean shaven all year? We all have a personal preference in our own growth, be it a goatee, full beard, or a mustache, we grow what...